
Injury Law Terms:
n. any harm done to a person by the acts or omissions of another. Injury may include physical hurt as well as damage to reputation or dignity, loss of a legal right or breach of contract. If the party causing the injury was either willful (intentionally causing harm) or negligent then he/she is responsible (liable) for payment of damages for the harm caused. Theoretically, potential or continuing injury may be prevented by an order of the court upon a petition for an injunction.
Appeal: The process for requesting a higher court to review and formally make a change to an official legal decision. The appellate court is the higher court who reviews the lower court's decision, often a state supreme court.
Asbestos: A fibrous mineral used as insulation in buildings before it was banned in the 1980s. Individuals exposed to asbestos have been known to develop lung cancer, including mesothelioma, and other severe respiratory illnesses.
All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV): A term that describes small, open buggy or tricycle motorized vehicles that typically operate off-road in rural areas.
Both child-size and adult-size ATVs have come under scrutiny for the hazard they pose because of their high speeds and lack of exterior protection.
Civil rights: A name given to a group of rights possessed by all citizens granted and protected by the U.S. Constitution. In civil law, civil rights may refer to laws governing equality of race and gender that are violated by discrimination or may refer to more general rights of citizens that are violated by police brutality, wrongful arrest, hate crimes or interference with access to health care, just to name a few examples.
Civil law allows individuals whose civil rights have been violated to file a lawsuit against private companies as well as government agencies in order to recover damages as well as to potentially modify practices that infringe on civil rights.
Civil Law: A branch of law governing disputes between individuals and/or corporations, in which compensation may be awarded to one or more parties. For the purpose of civil law, corporations take on the legal status of individuals.
Civil law is distinct from criminal law, and a civil action may not necessarily preclude a criminal action.
Class-action lawsuit: A lawsuit filed by a plaintiff or plaintiffs on behalf of themselves and all individuals similarly identifiable as part of a group with the plaintiffs.
Class-action lawsuits are most frequently filed to make a company responsible for liability of its products, such as defective drugs or faulty products that cause injury or sickness.
Compensatory damages: Money awarded to a plaintiff in a civil court case for actual economic losses.
In some states, compensatory damages may cover only actual economic losses, like medical bills and lost income. In others, compensatory damages may include compensation for things like pain and suffering and loss of enjoyment of life.
Damages: The amount of money awarded to the plaintiff in a civil court case. Money may be awarded for compensatory damages and punitive damages.
Defendant: in a civil court of law, the party against whom the civil lawsuit has been filed.
Discrimination: Unequal and unfair treatment of individuals based on race, sex, age, marital status, religion or any other factor in consideration for employment, housing, arrest and other. Civil rights laws may allow legal recourse for violations of these rights by discrimination in many cases.
Dram shop laws: A state law that makes drinking establishments, such as bars and restaurants, legally liable for damage done by intoxicated individuals who were visibly intoxicated and served at these establishments.
Many states in the U.S., including Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Illinois, Missouri and Massachusetts, have dram shop laws that are intended to curb drunk drivers. Some states include hosts of a party where alcohol is served in the same category as establishments such as bars and restaurants.
Due Diligence: In tort law, the effort made by a prudent or reasonable party to avoid or prevent harm to another party. If the party is determined in court not to have acted with due diligence, that party may be considered negligent.
Excessive force: A phrase often used with the legal and criminal term police brutality to describe the use of physical force, assault, as well as threats and other verbal force used by police and other law enforcement officers in subduing an alleged criminal.
Excited Delirium: A term used to describe a state of physiological agitation leading to death that most often occurs during arrest or in police custody, typically also involving use of illegal substances. It may be listed on an autopsy of a death involving Taser use.
Taser International advocates the use of the term as the cause of any death involving use of Tasers, though the medical evidence supporting their claims is company-funded and therefore questionable.
Hate Crime: A crime committed against another individual specifically to cause harm due to prejudice over race, sex, age, sexual orientation, religion or another factor.
Civil rights laws may allow legal recourse for hate crimes in which another party contributed to acts or omissions involved in the hate crime.
Hazardous Exposure: Physical contact with toxic agents or proximity to airborne agents, such as hazardous chemicals, natural gas, mold, lead, asbestos, hazardous waste materials or other agents potentially harmful to health.
Liability for hazardous exposure may be possessed by numerous parties, including but not limited to the manufacturer of a product that causes or contributes to hazardous exposure, such as a product containing lead-based paint; the company responsible for manufacture or installation, as may be the case with a home product such as asbestos, or the owner or manager of a building that contains hazardous agents, such as a landlord or employer.
Hit and Run: A type of automobile accident in which the person responsible for a collision with a person, personal property or another vehicle leaves the scene of the accident without declaring himself.
Injuring another's personal property or person in an automobile accident may make you liable to repay damages based on your state's laws. Criminal laws are often harsher with hit-and-run offenders than with others liable for automobile accidents.
Insurance Adjuster: An employee of the insurance company-sometimes a third-party contractor-whose job it is to settle insurance claims. Insurance adjusters are hired to protect the financial interests of the insurance company, which means that they are seeking to settle the insurance claim for as little money as possible.
Medical Malpractice: Professional negligence by a health care provider who departs from accepted standards of medical practice and by an act or omission causes injury to the patient.
Police brutality: A legal and criminal term used to describe excessive force used by police and other law enforcement officers, potentially including both physical and verbal force, in violation of civil rights laws protecting individuals placed under arrest.
Product Liability: Legal responsibility by a company for defects in its products, as well as any wholesalers or retailers who may have contributed to or caused a defect. In many defective products cases, many defendants are named.
Punitive damages: Damages awarded by a jury to punish a defendant whose behavior in causing the plaintiff's injuries was especially egregious. Punitive damages are intended to deter further similar behavior, and are typically only assessed in the case of exceptionally serious misconduct, not just negligence.
Slip and fall injury: A personal injury resulting from an incident in which a person slips or trips and falls. Slip and fall injuries are brought to court under the claim that the property owner was negligent in permitting the conditions (wet or icy surface, obstructing object, poor area visibility, etc.) that caused the slip and fall to occur.
If a jury decides that the property owner acted with due diligence, the plaintiff may not be awarded damages, or the jury may decide that the two parties share blame, often divided into a percentage of the fault that contributes to the calculation of damages.
Statute of limitations: The period within which a plaintiff must file a lawsuit seeking damages under state law. If the plaintiff waits until after the statute of limitations passes, he or she loses the right to file the lawsuit.
TASER: An electric shock weapon used by police officers and other law enforcement officers to subdue criminals. The devices were introduced in the 1980s as non-lethal alternatives to the use of firearms, though in recent years their use as a substitute for firearms has come into question.
Though the causes of death related to TASER use is disputed, around 200 individuals have died after being shocked by a TASER. Read more about Taser deaths and injuries.
Tort: A civil wrong or breach of a duty to another person, as outlined by law. Personal injuries as a result of negligence are one common example of a tort on which a lawsuit or legal proceeding may be based.
Tort reform: Legislation intended to reduce liability costs by placing limits or "caps" on punitive damages that may be won for personal injuries and also by modifying liability rules.
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): Damage caused to the human brain as a result of sudden trauma to the head, typically either a sudden or violent blow to the head or a piercing of the skull. Symptoms from TBI may appear to be severe, but many victims of TBI may not exhibit obvious symptoms, or may only experience symptoms days or even weeks after the injury is sustained.
As a result, many insurance companies may try to settle personal injuries involving head injuries quickly in order to avoid liability for longer-term problems.
Vaccine Court: Another name for the Office of Special Masters of the U.S. Court of Federal Claims which litigates vaccine injury claims. Several high-profile cases have gone to trial in recent years in the vaccine court involving a potential link between autism and the mercury-based preservative in vaccines called thiomersal or thimerosal, despite no medical consensus establishing such a link.
Workers' Compensation (Workers' Comp): A legal provision for employees that allows them insurance money for medical care and compensation for injuries sustained while on the job. In exchange for compensation, the employee is legally prevented from suing the employer for negligence.